Tyler Fry developed a fun gradient page with a dark-styled login form. Let your customers and clients feel comfortable logging into their accounts using the genuine form you are about to bring to your website. Video created by Duke University for the course "Programming Foundations with JavaScript, HTML and CSS". There are social icons. This material design form features Angular JS and CSS3 animations for both sign-in and sign-up. We're all for progressive enhancement, but CodePen is a bit unique in that it's all about writing and showing front end code, including JavaScript.
This kind of high-quality design has been possible using Bootstrap. Gradient Form. If you are looking for something different, this is the perfect alternative to consider – and it is entirely free of charge! A good design increases site’s credibility and brand value.Login Form 7 provides the user with two ways to log in. Username Or Email.

So if they have Facebook and Google accounts, they can quickly sign in to your site, and who doesn’t have a Facebook/Google account these days?The user needs to enter his/her username and password in the text fields. One for login form and another for text and general information. If you don’t like such effects, you can remove them from the code.When you click on the text fields, borders around them appear and you can also see some nice visual effects, which enhance the user experience to a great extent.
But at the same time, you must include the necessary elements. Next design will consists of two part in a single page. So I suggest you download one of the login forms that you like the most from this list and then try to improve the design. https://templatefor.net/css3-html5-login-form-templates-free Minimal Login Form with fluid animation. Second login page will consist of two section, left and right. A gorgeous login page with a background image with shadow and a gradient form box with a login button hover effect. While opening most of the website or application, the first thing users do is login.

Bootstrap makes the life of a designer a lot easier.Login Form 15 is another great example of login page designed by Colorlib. Bear in mind, you are still allowed to tweak the look slightly so it follows your branding to the T.We bring you a comprehensive list of the free Bootstrap login form templates. The login button with slightly round corners and the text fields with just the bottom borders have made the form unique and different from traditional login forms. The photo is of buildings. Whether it is an online shop customer account login, access to news site’s premium content or SaaS subscription, these forms are perfect for a sophisticated login feature on your website. But you can always add more elements and features to this login form.Like the previous Bootstrap login page, this login page also hides the password. Look real close, and you’ll see shadow highlights creeping in on focus.It’s always fun to add some animation into your UI designs. If the user does not have an account, he/she can go to the signup page through this link.The login button is very wide, as wide as the text fields. The placeholder ‘Password’ and the icon of a locker tells the user that this is a password field.